Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Internet of things

As in the project about the knowledge society I didn't expand much the concept of Internet of things, I'm going to devote this post to it.

The Internet of things (IoT) is the term we use to call the fact of having our gadgets and the things that surround us digitally controlled and interconnected through the net. This includes alarm systems, cell phones, printers, washing machines, coffee makers, blinds, headphones, lamps, wearable gadgets, machines components... And almost anything else you can imagine, so it's a huge network of connected devices and also people, which allows relationships betwen both groups.

It has the potential to impact how we live and work because of the great advances of the new technologies: broadband Internet availability, easy connection, new very capable devices, a great smart phone penetration, the decreasing technology costs... And in a short period of time we might be able to say that anything we want to be connected and controlled can be connected and controlled, and we'll live in smart cities and smart houses which interact with us.

For example we can change the temperature or the illumination of our house with a smartphone depending in our feelings, blinds can come down automatically when it's very sunny or at night; the trafic lights can control themselves depending on the traffic and the people waiting to cross the road...

So anything can be done automatically with IoT so life will be a lot easier as this is developped, locations will be known easily, economy would be more controlled, education will develop, what's turned on or off will be known, anything will be close to everyone even if it's on the other side of the world... And we should make this possible.

I wish you agree and you liked, I obtained some of this information at this webpage:

See you!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Knowledge Society

Hi blog readers. The first project we had to do this course was a Word document about the knowledge society. In it we talk about what the concept of knowledge society involves, its characteristics and its background. This society is a progression from the information and communication society that also allows the management of the information skillfully.
I also speak about the areas in which it is important; our personal development and the social factor that makes us being interconnected and learn dynamically.
Other important factors are the problems that it may suppose with the use of technological devices (the Digital Divide, the cybercrime and other security problems) and I have to tell you to be careful with what you post or upload on the Internet and to control the time you spend on the net and valore if you are really taking advantage of the resources and the time you have in a good way.

Sociedad del conocimiento from Carmen Bueno Iglesias

I wish it was interesting and you liked, you can also watch the document here. Thank you for watching.

See you at the next post.